  1. QR Code facility is now available for Bank Customers
  2. Whatsapp Banking Service is now available for Bank Customer Queries
Positive Pay System

As per Reserve Bank of India Notification No. DPSS.CO.RPPD.No.309/ 04.07.005/2020-21 dated September 25, 2020. Bank has introduced and implemented the Positive Pay System (PPS) for cheques of Rs.50,000/- and above for CTS w.e.f 01st October, 2023 in a bid to enhance safety and eliminate cheque related frauds by reconfirming key details of large value cheques.

The Customers are requested to submit in advance the key details of cheques issued to the beneficiaries so that the bank can pass cheques in CTS clearing without contacting the customers. In case of any mismatch, the bank can reject the cheque or take suitable action to prevent wrong payment or fraud.

The Customers need to share the following details of the issued cheque immediately to the bank

• Drawers Account Number

• Cheque Number

• Cheque Date

• Amount

• Payee's Name

Customer URL- https://pps-churuccb.vsoftarya.com/~ficustomer/